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The distance from Tirupati to Kanchipuram (Golden Temple) is around 120 km but the trip depends on the type of taxi, time etc. The best way to calculate the fare is to take an average of what they could charge you for the services; this ranges between 700 to 2000Rs depending on the distance of the one-way trip. This also includes charges of the vehicles and taxes. Local taxi should be in line with your needs and specifications.
Cab from Tirupati to Kanchipuram covers a distance of approximately 120 km. The taxi fare typically is from 14 to 42Rs/km for one-way drop. Taxi cost may vary based on the type of taxi that is hired. It will be more effective to contact the local taxi services directly to get all the necessary information, including fares or make bookings.
Specifically, traveling 120 kilometers from Tirupati Balaji (Tirupati Temple) to Kanchipuram Golden Temple, the cost per trip is 700 to 2000Rs.
This includes toll charges and taxes if any required to be paid on the road. For the best prices and for the availability of the vehicle, you should contact local cab service providers.
While the distance from Tirupati Airport to Kanchipuram Golden Temple is nearly 120kms. The cost of Chiku cab for this route usually starts at 700Rs. The fares can change depending on the type of taxi used. To avoid getting overcharged or not getting a taxi as planned, it is wise to contact the taxi service providers or check their websites to ensure on the fares and availability
It will take two hours and fifteen minutes to cover a distance of approximately 120 kilometers when traveling by car or taxi from Tirupati Airport to Kanchipuram. Taxi fare for this distance may cost between 700 to 2000Rs for a single trip. These are average prices and may vary depending on the type of taxi and time of the ride. For getting the real fare information and to book the cab, contact the local taxi services.
Vehicle Type | Airport | Rental with in City | Outstation | ||
Pick/Drop | 8Hr 80KM* | 12Hr 120KM* | Round Trip | One way | |
Indica | ₹700 | ₹1,500 | ₹1,800 | ₹8.50 | ₹14 |
Indigo | ₹750 | ₹1,600 | ₹1,900 | ₹9 | ₹14.75 |
Swift Dzire | ₹800 | ₹1,700 | ₹2,000 | ₹9.50 | ₹16.25 |
Honda Amaze/ | ₹850 | ₹1,800 | ₹2,200 | ₹10 | ₹17 |
Mobilio / Ertiga | ₹900 | ₹2,400 | ₹2,750 | ₹14 | ₹20.75 |
Toyota Innova | ₹1,100 | ₹2,650 | ₹2,900 | ₹16 | ₹21.5 |
Toyota Crysta | ₹1,200 | ₹2,850 | ₹3,180 | ₹17 | ₹23 |
Honda City | ₹1,500 | ₹2,800 | ₹3,600 | ₹18 | ₹26 |
Tempo Traveller | ₹2,000 | ₹3,400 | ₹4,400 | ₹22 | ₹42 |
Driver Charges (After 10PM): Rs.250, *(Base Fare) |
Outstation (Roundtrip): Min. 250KM / Day |
How much is Tirupati to Kanchi distance?
Tirupati to Kanchi golden temple distance is 108Km.
How can we reach golden temple Tirupati?
You should take NH716 toy for travelling from tirupati to golden temple Kanchi.
Which is the best route to cover distance from Kanchi to Tirupati?
The best route to cover Tirupati to Kanchi golden temple distance is NH716.
How can I book cab for Kanchi to Tirupati distance?
You can book a cab with Chiku cab for Kanchi golden temple to Tirupati distance.
Which is the best company to hire cab for Kanchi to sripuram golden temple distance?
Chku cab is the best company to hire cab for tirupati golden temple.