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Cancellation and Refund Policy

You may cancel your booking with us any time before your scheduled date and time of pickup. This may be done using the Chiku Cab Mobile App / Website by logging with your registered credentials or by calling us anytime on the 24x7 Customer support email

What are terms and conditions if I cancel my One Way/Local Rental/Airport Transfer?

if your booking is cancelled within 4 (four) hours of the scheduled pickup date and time, it shall be treated as a No-Show by the Customer. No refund shall be applicable in such cases and the entire Booking Amount/Advance shall be treated as Cancellation Charges.

if your booking is cancelled prior to between 4 to 24 hours of the scheduled pickup date and time, a Cancellation Charge equivalent to 15% of the Booking Amount or the actual Advance amount received from the Customer, whichever is less, shall be applicable. The balance if any shall be returned as chiku coin in customer's chikucab account within 30 days.

What are terms and conditions if I cancel my Taxi package/Tour Packages/Holiday Package/Round Trip/Wedding Car Rental/CharDham Yatra/Road Trp/Multi city trip/one-way?

Can I cancel my booking in the middle of the journey?

Yes, you can cancel your booking trip in the middle of the journey but you will need to pay the full booking amount to Chiku Cab. If you don't pay the estimated booking amount will I have to pay the full booking amount in such a case?

However, Chiku Cab maintains a Zero Cancellation Policy and this Cancellation Amount shall be credited to Customer's CHIKUCAB account as chiku Coins (Credits), which may be redeemed in part/full with any other chiku Booking(s) in future. Usage of chiku Coins shall be subject to term and conditions as laid down on our website Chiku Cab. A Customer may login to Chiku Cab, using his login credentials to check his chiku Coins Balance.

If registed customer does not inform to company regarding driver denial of the trip within 30 min of the pickup time through his/her registered number ,it will consider as no show from customer end and no refund is applicable.

If for any reason your driver/vendor takes too long to get to you then the cancellation charge will be waived in the event of a cancellation request made at your end.

If there is a No-Show from your end, i.e. you are not at the pickup location and/or your assigned driver/vendor is unable to get in touch with you on your registered phone number on the scheduled pickup date and time, the driver/vendor shall wait for a reasonable period of half an hour from the scheduled Booking time and thereafter may treat the Booking as cancelled with no refund.

The onus shall be on the Customer to inform Chiku cab at least 24 hours before the time of pickup, for any delays or rescheduling of pickup date time and seek confirmation from Chiku Cab about the availability of the car at such rescheduled time.

In case the assigned driver/vendor cancels the ride without showing any valid and reasonable reason at the last hour and the Chiku Cab fails to arrange another cab in a reasonable time, you shall be entitled for the chiku coins for the complete advance amount paid by you for the booking into your Chiku Cab wallet. This amount you can use anytime without expiry in future .

If your booking cancellation is done due to external unavoidable factors beyond control of human being such as epidemic, floods, fire, strikes, lockouts, terrorist acts, riot or similar forces or due to force majeure, your total advance payment will be refunded into Chiku Cab wallet which can be used without expiry in future.

If your booking is cancelled after you have been matched with your driver/vendor and taxi, it shall be treated as NO SHOW by customer. NO REFUND shall be applicable in such cases and entire booking /advance amount shall be treated as cancellation charges.

For booking cancellation, you need to cancel the booking from your end through your registered Email ID through Chiku Cab customer account I'd. If face any issue please mail at with all details.

No cancellation are entertained in any case for those product/services that chikucab sales team has obtained through online offline ot through call on special occasions like Dussehra ,Pongal ,Diwali, Christmas, New Year, Holi. Wedding, Weekend, Chardham Yatra occasions etc. These are limited occasion offers and therefore cancellation and refund are not possible.

Cab Charges can be increased in peak time or festival sessions due to shortage of cab availability, if the customer gives the confirmation on increase charges of the updated ticket and cancels the booking after getting Driver/Vendor cab details, the advance amount would not be refunded.

Chiku Cab might change driver and Taxi/tempotravller/ Luxary car details prior to boarding the taxi/luxary car/tempotravller in case vehicle breakdown or other genuine reasons occur at Driver/Vendor end . No cancellation and refund request shall be entertained in such cases.

CHIKU MOBILITY INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED will not be responsible for any cancellation/delay of service in case of any natural calamity agtaton strike , Road Jam, lockdown , construction work on road ,heavy traffic. Hence NO REFUND would be made.

If you are eligible for refunds based on the cancellation and refund policy,then refund will be remitted back to you as chiku' coins in your chikucab wallet within 30 working days .This chiku wallet amount can be used in Full/Parts in future without expiry .In case of any issues write us at

All refunds if any will made through a CHIKU COINS mode in customer chiku wallet and redeemable by customer on all future trip any where in INDIA.

After taking or availing service, No refund is considerable and applicable in any case.

It is mandatory for both actual customer and driver to submit complete fill and proper signed with date copy of duty slip at the end of the trip. Chiku Mobility will not entertain any kind of dispute pertaining to perticular trip in absence of duty slip.


We are not party and not responsible for any kind of dispute related to vendor / driver and customer. However if required , the jurisdiction for any kind of dispute with CHIKU MOBILITY INDIA PVT LTD would be Varanasi district court only.

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