Chiku Cab

Jaipur to Banasthali Vidyapeeth cab

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Jaipur to Banasthali Vidyapeeth cab

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Jaipur to Banasthali Vidyapeeth cab

Big Fleet Of Vehicles

Jaipur to Banasthali Vidyapeeth cab

Online Payment

Taxi Services from Jaipur to Banasthali for Hassle free Travelling

Travelling from Jaipur to Banasthali via road trip takes around 1 hours and 33 minutes to travel. From Jaipur to Banasthali the total distance is approximately 76.6 kilometers. In this case most of the travellers like to choose Jaipur to Banasthali taxi services for a comfortable journey.


The distance from Delhi and Agra to Banasthali is 342.4 & 267.8 kilometers respectively. One of the nearest airports to Banasthali Sanganer Airport, Jaipur. By taking all these things in mind it can be well understood that a huge number of travellers tend to book Jaipur to Banasthali taxis.

Taxi service from Jaipur to Banasthali Vidyapeeth cab, jaipur

We very clearly get the increasing demand for Jaipur to Banasthali Cab services and therefore we are always ready to effectively cater to the needs of the travellers. We also provide different types of vehicles so as to make sure that the travellers are able to avail their preferred vehicle on demand. Along with categories of vehicles we also provide premium quality services with our vehicles which ease the travelling distance from Jaipur to Banasthali and make it convenient for travellers.

Now let's get familiarise with Banasthali small town located in the tonk district of Rajasthan. It is famous for the Banasthali Vidyapeeth which is a well- known university in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is 80 kilometers from Jaipur to Banasthali Vidyapeeth which can travel by availing a Jaipur to Banasthali taxi. In the route from Jaipur to Banasthali there are few more attractions, temples and mandirs that travellers can visit. Here is the list of major sites near Banasthali :

  • Nasian Mandir
  • Jalandhar Nath Mandir
  • Bawdi Wale Bala Temple
  • Old Kankali Mata Mandir
  • Raktanchal Parvat
  • Taste local cuisine in Banasthali

Jaipur To Banasthali Taxi Fare

Vehicle Type Airport Rental with in City Outstation
Pick/Drop 8Hr 80KM* 12Hr 120KM* Round Trip One way
Indica ₹700 ₹1,500 ₹1,800 ₹8.50 ₹14
Indigo ₹750 ₹1,600 ₹1,900 ₹9 ₹14.75
Swift Dzire ₹800 ₹1,700 ₹2,000 ₹9.50 ₹16.25
Honda Amaze/ ₹850 ₹1,800 ₹2,200 ₹10 ₹17
Mobilio / Ertiga ₹900 ₹2,400 ₹2,750 ₹14 ₹20.75
Toyota Innova ₹1,100 ₹2,650 ₹2,900 ₹16 ₹21.5
Toyota Crysta ₹1,200 ₹2,850 ₹3,180 ₹17 ₹23
Honda City ₹1,500 ₹2,800 ₹3,600 ₹18 ₹26
Tempo Traveller ₹2,000 ₹3,400 ₹4,400 ₹22 ₹42

Driver Charges (After 10PM): Rs.250, (Base Fare)

Outstation (Roundtrip): Min. 250KM / Day

Want to explore Rajasthan and plan for the Banasthali tour, then for ease and comfortable travelling go for a Jaipur to Banasthali tour package. It would be the best option so that travellers can enjoy the trip. Taking a taxi from Jaipur to Banasthali is considered as the best choice where travellers can be assured of experiencing the best Jaipur to Banasthali Vidyapeeth tour. Along with it the travellers can also enjoy route sites from Jaipur to Banasthali while travelling and make unforgettable memories of their journey.

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